Our help is in the Name of the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth

Rev. Amy Welin (18 Pentecost/Proper 21):Would you be willing to cut off the part of you that leads you to sin? While it may be interesting to ponder what each of us might need to amputate, most of us find the teaching of this gospel lesson a bit harsh. Three years ago, my husband initiated a children’s sermon in his parish. This was the gospel text. He pondered preaching a “kids, don’t do this at home” sort of sermon. And then he decided to preach on the Epistle, which is about the blessing of second chances. Read More Read more • Leer más → “Our help is in the Name of the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth”

Honoring the Graduates of St. Margaret’s School

Rev. Amy Welin (17 Pentecost/Proper 20): Who is wise and understanding? This morning we celebrate the legacy of St Margaret’s School of Waterbury, honoring its heritage and its graduates! For nearly a century, St Margaret’s was supported by St John’s and some of our members of longer tenure may remember that the students participated in worship on Sunday mornings, sitting up in the loft with the girls from Westover School (founded by former leaders of St Margaret’s). It is difficult for us to think about the education of young women as revolutionary. It was. It is. Read More Read more • Leer más → “Honoring the Graduates of St. Margaret’s School”

Usted es parte del cambio que necesitamos en San Juan. Usted es parte de la misión de Dios en Waterbury.

La Rev. Amy Welin (9 Pentecostés): ¿Qué es lo que queremos y esperamos de nuestros líderes? Podemos hacer esta pregunta acerca de nuestras naciones, nuestros militares, nuestras iglesias. ¿Vemos la nobleza de un verdadero liderazgo cuando alguien habla desde una distancia segura y cómoda de lo que podían hacer? Cuando se flexionan los músculos de sus labios? ¿O nos vemos la nobleza de liderazgo cuando una persona ofrece su vida y su servicio para el bien de los demás? La escritura ofrece una idea pertinente acerca de la naturaleza del liderazgo hoy. Lea más Read more • Leer más → “Usted es parte del cambio que necesitamos en San Juan. Usted es parte de la misión de Dios en Waterbury.”

You are part of the change we need at St John’s. You are part of God’s mission in Waterbury.

Rev. Amy Welin (9 Pentecost/Proper 12):What do we want and expect from our leaders? We can ask this about our nations, our military, our churches. Do we see the nobility of true leadership when someone talks from a safe and comfortable distance about what they could do? When they flex their lip muscles? Or do we see the nobility of leadership when a person offers their life and their service for the sake of others? The scripture offers some pertinent insight about the nature of leadership today. Read More Read more • Leer más → “You are part of the change we need at St John’s. You are part of God’s mission in Waterbury.”

Y Jesús les dijo, “Venid . . . Y descansar un poco”.

La Rev. Amy Welin (8 Pentecostés): En nuestra casa, el viernes es un día especial. Ese es el día en que Greg y yo tomamos nuestro sábado. A menudo estamos muy ocupados el resto de la semana, y elegimos un ritmo diferente para el viernes. No es un día sin trabajo, porque siempre tenemos algunos recados y quehaceres. A veces tenemos una cita. A veces tenemos la obligación familiar. Siempre nos hacen tiempo para almorzar juntos. Pasamos algún tiempo en oración. Elegimos no cocinar y ordenamos una pizza para la cena. Tratamos de relajarse. Necesitamos el resto para que podamos continuar nuestro trabajo para Dios. Supongo que la gente espera que un sacerdote pasar algún tiempo cada semana encontrar la manera de descansar, por lo que yo soy capaz de hacer lo que Dios quiere que haga. Reconozco que tomar algo de tiempo para el sábado - un descanso intencional - es contracultural. Y creo que todos los que quieran conocer a Dios se puede beneficiar de este tipo de tiempo de reflexión. Nuestra escritura de hoy nos invita a considerar cómo podemos vivir de otra manera, como hijos de Dios. Dios necesita personas que son diferentes. Dios necesita un rey que trae paz. Hijo de David, Salomón - un hombre de paz y sabiduría - construirá el Templo. La Carta a los Efesios habla del pueblo de Dios como un hogar tranquilo donde Dios habita. Lea más Read more • Leer más → “Y Jesús les dijo, “Venid . . . Y descansar un poco”.”

And Jesus said to them “Come away . . . and rest a while.”

Rev. Amy Welin (8 Pentecost/Proper 11): Most weeks, Friday is a special day. That is the day that Greg and I take our Sabbath. We are often very busy the rest of the week, and we choose a different rhythm for Friday. It is not a day to do no work, because we always have some errands and chores. Sometimes we have an appointment. Sometimes we have a family obligation. We always make time to have lunch together. We spend some time in prayer. We choose not to cook and usually order a pizza for dinner. We try to decompress. We need the rest so we can continue our work for God. I suppose that people would expect that a priest would spend some time each week figuring out how to rest, so I am able to do what God wants me to do. I recognize that taking some time for Sabbath - an intentional rest - is counter-cultural. And I think that everyone who wants to know God can benefit from this sort of reflective time. It strikes me that our scripture today invites us to consider how we can live differently as children of God. God needs people who are different. God needs a king who brings peace. David’s son Solomon – a man of peace and wisdom - will build the Temple. The Letter to the Ephesians speaks of the people of God as a peaceful household in which God dwells. Read More Read more • Leer más → “And Jesus said to them “Come away . . . and rest a while.””

Concede, O Señor, que podamos percibir y comprender lo que debemos hacer . . .

La Rev. Amy Welin (7 Pentecostés): A veces no sabemos qué hacer, o cómo proceder, y es difícil. A veces pensamos que sabemos qué hacer, y es aún más difícil de lo que habíamos anticipado. Rey David quiere unir el reino de Israel, y trae el Arca del Pacto a Jerusalén. Él baila de alegría que la gloria de Dios es una vez más entre el pueblo elegido. (Había sido capturado por los filisteos, y más tarde regresó a causa de los castigos divinos infligidas a ellos.) Él sabe lo que tiene que hacer, política y religiosamente. Su vida personal, sin embargo, es un poco desordenado, y finalmente lo trae dificultad. Lea más Read more • Leer más → “Concede, O Señor, que podamos percibir y comprender lo que debemos hacer . . .”

Grant that we may know and understand what things we ought to do

Rev. Amy Welin (7 Pentecost/Proper 10): I have just returned from three weeks of intense study in the doctoral program at Virginia Theological Seminary. It is a wonderful program. In the middle of the first week, the light bulb in the bath burned out. That should be easy to fix, I thought. Finding another bulb in the utility closet, I spent about 30 minutes trying to figure out how to take the cover off the fixture! The quick fix became a project, because I had to figure out how to ask the (largely invisible) staff for assistance. Sometimes we do not know what to do, or how to proceed, and it is difficult. Sometimes we think we know what to do, and it is still more difficult than we had anticipated. Read More Read more • Leer más → “Grant that we may know and understand what things we ought to do”