What a difference a year makes

Sermon for November 20, 2016 (Last Sunday after Pentecost - Christ the King)
Mr. Jay Anthony

Good morning my St. John’s family. This is the time of year when either I or the clergy or some other lucky duck gets to come up here and with golden words attempt to get you to open your hearts and your wallets to pledge even more money to St. John’s for the next year. More money to keep us warm in the winter, well lit, plowed out, free flowing water, insured, clergy to keep us spiritually fulfilled, staff to give us clean spaces and office staff to keep us administratively sound! More of your hard earned cash to give us music and voices and someone to lead it all. This is the time when we get up before you to beg and wheedle. Read More Read more • Leer más → “What a difference a year makes”

Stewardship Ingathering (en Español)

Sermón del 16 de noviembre 2014 (23 Pentecostés)
La Rev. Amy Welin:
¿Qué piensas acerca de ese evangelio? Sonaba bastante feroz, ¿no? Un rico maestro se va y confía su riqueza a sus servidores. (Un talento es una gran barra de plata, digno de una cantidad considerable de dinero.) Dos sirvientes invierten el dinero y obtener un beneficio. Una entierra temerosamente el dinero y lo mantiene seguro pero gana ningún interés. Y su señor le trata muy duramente, llamándole inútil y perezoso y malvado. Incluso Jesús tiene palabras duras: ” al que tiene, se le dará más, y tendrá de sobra; pero al que no tiene, hasta lo poco que tiene se le quitará". Lea más Read more • Leer más → “Stewardship Ingathering (en Español)”

Stewardship Ingathering

Sermon for November 16, 2014 (23rd Sunday After Pentecost)
Rev. Amy Welin:

All of the blessings of our lives – our families and friends, our work, every good thing – and all the blessings of this parish – the worship, the outreach and educational programs, the staff, the beautiful building – are gifts from God. Sharing in the blessing demands a commitment to financial generosity for the sake of God. We can all whine about the bills, the cost of maintenance, and the diocesan requirements. Yet the real bottom line is this: stewardship is not about the budget. It is about getting ourselves into the right sort of relationship of thanksgiving to God. Read More Read more • Leer más → “Stewardship Ingathering”

Personal Views on Stewardship

Sermon for October 26, 2014 (20th Sunday after Pentecost)
Mr. Jay Anthony:

This church, this home of ours is a tapestry of 280 plus years of Stewards, people like you who have reached out to the community and have helped them and made their lives better. Individuals and families who carefully, responsibly and prayerfully managed St. John’s Episcopal Church on the Green. It’s you and you and you and me. Even without knowing, you have probably helped put someone in need on the right path to help themselves. There are even groups who will not realize until later, St. John’s has done them much good and put them on a better path. Read More Read more • Leer más → “Personal Views on Stewardship”