What is the difference between being boastful and being humble?

Sunday School Lesson – January 26th, 2020
What is the difference between being boastful and being humble?

To have a reputation for being humble, we must constantly honor and give thanks to God for all things. There will be many times in our lives that we will have more than someone else, have a newer toy than the kid down the street, or get a better grade than our friend, but we must never look down on someone else because they are less fortunate. Likewise, we should never think that whatever it is we have is because of something we did. Or simply think that because of our achievements in life we need to boast or brag to others instead of being humble and using our talents to serve the people around us and God. God sees all we are doing with our lives.

All good things come from God, and He alone is worthy of our praise.

We learned to have HUMBLE HEARTS and SERVANT HANDS!

Let’s all try to be like one of our Sunday School Students Alina – who simply said:
“I’m a bucket filler.” I try to make people around me feel good. I don’t brag or boast. I always try to help.