Sunday Jazz at the 9:30 Service — September 25

Rosemary Minkler, a member of St. John's since birth, leads an ensemble of jazz musicians at our 9:30 service one Sunday each month.  Joining Rose are friends and classmates from the music program at Western Connecticut State University.  Upcoming Jazz Sundays: July 24, August 21, and September 25. The St. John's Jazz Quintet (L-R): Tim Lewis (saxophone), Keenan Asbridge (trumpet), Rosemary Minkler (piano), Keith McDade (bass), Steve Niemitz (drums): Read more • Leer más → “Sunday Jazz at the 9:30 Service — September 25”

Rev. Mike Carroll Returns to St. John’s
El Rev. Mike Carroll vuelve a la Iglesia de San Juan

BULLETIN: from Jay Anthony, Senior Warden - Beginning with the first Sunday in April, our permanent Supply Clergy will be Rev. Michael E. Carroll! This is exciting news for the St. John's family as Mike is well known to us from being a former Deacon and member of our parish. See you Sunday!
ANUNCIO ESPECIAL: de Jay Anthony, mayordomo – Comenzando el primer domingo de abril, nuestro clero temporal permanente será el Reverendo Michael E. Carroll! Esto es una noticia emocionante para la familia de San Juan como Mike es bien sabido a nosotros de ser un ex diácono y miembro de nuestra parroquia. ¡Nos vemos el domingo! Read more • Leer más → “Rev. Mike Carroll Returns to St. John’s
El Rev. Mike Carroll vuelve a la Iglesia de San Juan

Advent Candle of Love

Sermon for December 20, 2015: Fourth Sunday of Advent
Rev. Amy Welin:
Today we light the fourth Advent candle of Love. This last Sunday in Advent is all about our longing and expectation, and the Love that fulfills those desires. In that light, there is something wonderful about Mary of Nazareth. I am not talking about the Mary of statues and popular paintings. That Mary is often smiling faintly, as if she knows a secret. She is completely serene, and sometimes she is holding her baby Jesus. But the statues and paintings do not capture the spirit of the Mary of the gospels. Mary of Nazareth was faithful and courageous and surprising. God chose her to fulfill an important and challenging role, and she fulfilled it gracefully. Read More Read more • Leer más → “Advent Candle of Love”